Vulgar Butchered - Gorged, Sucked, and Fucked ' CD

Vulgar Butchered - Gorged, Sucked, and Fucked ' CD


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Vulgar Butchered - Gorged, Sucked, and Fucked ' CD

Genre : Brutal Slam/Groovy Death Metal
Release Year : 2019
Code Release : RPM 019
  Harga : Rp. 40.000  


01. Never Ending to Kill
02. Baptized in a Sewer of Swine
03. The Confession of The North Andalas Serial Killer
04. Dismembered and Dissected
05. Meet your Death
06. Last Fuckin Breath
07. Viscid Pus Smells Vile
08. Black Organ Market
09. Gorged, Sucked, and Fucked
10. Necrophiliac Homicide

Total running time : 00:32:00

Groovy, Chuggy, and Brutal, Fuckin riffed their way through the material without relenting, making it a trademark release in death metal clan. this mean, there's no denying it. was released, Ajojing death metal bands started popping up all over the place. In terms of composition, you can hear how better they got at Groovy Attack and Breakdown to complement the Monolithic Hardcore Metal influenced brutal death metal riffing. Also the music in general is more memorable and expressive, more violent. change themes more often in this material, songs are more real dynamic and less repetitive, in this case it's a good thing. Apart from that you have the band's trademark sound. Fast blast beat sections mixed with hardcore riffs thrown in here and there, and heavy breakdowns, decorated with nice broken guitar playing techniques. Bring back the trademark of 420, Between Two Evils, Internal Bleeding, Dehumanized, Dying Fetus, Entorturement and Repudilation keep being relentless and Aggressive, Gore, Mayhem and Generally Brutality, a word favoured by many DM freak fans.


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